Beating Brain Cancer With Alison Gannett

What would you do if you were given six months to live? Living a seemingly healthy life, Alison Gannett was floored with the news that she had a brain tumor and was given less than a year to live. She turned her diagnosis around and completely healed herself through nutrition.

Alison currently specializes in personalized nutrition and lifestyle coaching – adjunct support to prevent, manage, or conquer cancer using DNA, blood chemistry, health history, and molecular tumor pathology. She is a keynote speaker around the globe on the topic of overcoming her terminal cancer and how others can reverse or prevent the root causes of the cancering process.

Alison is the Founder and Director of Alison’s Gannett’s Personalized Oncology Nutrition, an instructor/mentor for Dr. Nasha Winter’s TAP Program, Founder and Coach of The Personalized Nutrition Training Course, graduate of Nutrition Network’s (NN) Professional Training in LCHF/Ketogenic Nutrition & Treatment and Ethics Programs, graduate of Dr. Nasha Winter’s Coaching for Life/Integrative Cancer Advocate, ally of the Integrative Cancer Advocacy Network (ICAN), graduate of The American Nutrition Association’s Advanced Ketogenic Nutrition Specialist. She graduated Magna Cum Laude with Honors and a BS from the University of Vermont. (

What we discussed in this episode:

  • Alison’s background and when she finally realized it was time to see a doctor for her symptoms (2:42)
  • How the brain tumor gave her an altered perception of reality (3:56)
  • Surgery to remove the brain tumor and the immediate effect it had on her personality (5:55)
  • Recovering from surgery and the research she did during that time (6:49)
  • SIT–Stress, Insulin, Toxins (8:27)
  • The negative effects too much exercise had on Alison’s body (9:26)
  • The toll that everyday stress takes on our health (11:19)
  • Why Alison does blood tests every month and the importance of doing so (13:49)
  • Fructose and cancer (17:31)
  • Insulin and obesity (19:18)
  • The importance of sourcing high-quality foods (23:56)
  • Genetic testing and how that can help you optimize your nutrition (26:07)
  • Brain fog and high carbohydrate diets (29:40)
  • Protein consumption and cancer (31:28)
  • Alison’s macros while trying to keep her cancer in remission (34:29)
  • The detriment of chronic undereating (36:36)
  • A typical day of food for Alison (37:53)
  • The benefits she sees from incorporating more vegetation into her diet (40:37)
  • The typical process for working with Alison as a coach (42:59)
  • What she tests for when she begins working with a client (44:01)
  • Toxins and what everyday things in your household could be harming your health (45:09)
  • Easy switches you can make to help avoid toxins (49:12)
  • What Alison raises on her farm (52:03)
  • The benefit of keeping things simple in many aspects of life (55:47)

Where to follow Alison:

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Written By

Robert Sikes


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