Keeping it Simple with Theo Lucier

Have you ever heard of dry fasting? I welcomed Theo Lucier to the podcast for this episode and I do believe he has sold me on the concept of dry fasting. If this, and anything else related to human health, appeals to you, you're sure to enjoy this episode.

What we discussed:

  • Our aversion to television and its negative impact (1:33)
  • Social media's influence (5:31)
  • Reading and the decline of the physical book in favor of audiobooks (10:30)
  • Detoxification and nutrient deficiencies (13:05)
  • Water and polyester exposure (18:31)
  • Heavy metals and detoxification methods (24:27)
  • Using a sauna and niacin to sweat out toxins (34:49)
  • Cold exposure and the hormonal benefits (41:16)
  • Daily detox and electron donors (44:09)
  • Grounding and electrical charges (53:35)
  • Dry fasting and stem cell production (1:02:01)
  • His experiences with dry fasting and the benefits (1:08:19)
  • The impact of low body fat percentage on hormones (1:19:49)
  • The challenges and psychological aspects of dry fasting (1:20:56)

Where to learn more:

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Written By

Robert Sikes


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