Savage Business with Judy Cho

For this episode, I welcomed back my good friend and colleague Judy Cho, who is absolutely killing it as a businesswoman, parent, and so much more. I know you'll be inspired by this episode.

What you'll hear:

  • The popularity of carnivore diet and its potential longevity (2:51)
  • Social media popularity vs. content quality and integrity (8:41)
  • Prioritizing quality over quantity in business and personal life (14:50)
  • Scaling a business while maintaining integrity and values (19:57)
  • Importance of quality relationships in business success (24:04)
  • Business structure, goals, and client work (30:00)
  • Managing a nutrition practice with one-on-one consultations and group support, with a focus on carnivore diet (35:29)
  • Identifying and leveraging personal greens in business and life (40:16)
  • Writing and marketing books, including struggles with audiobook production and social media marketing (44:54)
  • Balancing work and family life as a driven entrepreneur (50:48)
  • Prioritizing family time and teaching children resilience through hard work and effort (57:21)
  • Overcoming struggles with mindful eating and intuitive eating, despite past trauma and negative self-talk (1:05:15)
  • Addiction, childhood trauma, and healing through mindset shift (1:08:12)
  • Breaking internal belief systems and achieving personal growth through nutrition and mindset coaching (1:13:57)

Where to follow Judy:

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Written By

Robert Sikes


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