The Ups and Downs of Bodybuilding with Peter Jeffs

How do you face adversity? Good friend and client Peter Jeffs had been trying to make it to the stage since his first competition was canceled back in 2022 due to Covid. After a few setbacks, he finally made it to the stage to see his dream to fruition, and it was an honor to be a part of his journey. I know you'll find his story inspiring.

What we discussed:

  • Peter's journey from prep to stage and overcoming obstacles (1:14)
  • Macronutrient ratios, protein threshold, and their impact on energy levels and food satisfaction (7:31)
  • Reducing protein intake for optimal body composition and performance (12:54)
  • Diet and training for a bodybuilding competition, with a focus on refeeds and fathead pizza (17:41)
  • Two-day consecutive refeed for bodybuilding competitions and its effectiveness, and Peter's personal experience (23:32)
  • Bodybuilding and fitness at the age of 61 (28:50)
  • Post-prep experience (34:13)
  • Challenges of post-competition dieting and the importance of setting goals for muscle growth and healthy weight gain (36:58)
  • Body fat percentage, calorie intake, and sleep quality (43:28)
  • Ketogenic diet for bodybuilding competition prep (49:43)
  • Future plans and competition (56:15)

Where to follow Peter:

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Written By

Robert Sikes


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