Where’s the Beef with RC Carter

RC Carter and his family continue the vision his father had in 1964, when he moved his family from their ranch in Montana to start a cattle ranch in Wyoming. He and his wife are leaders in redefining regenerative and restorative food models, and raise their family in the ranching ways. (https://cartercountrymeats.com/pages/grassfedfamilytradition). It was a pleasure having RC on the podcast and I can't wait to try some of their products.

What you'll learn in this episode:

  • RC's family history and the origins of the farm (2:29)
  • How the family came by the land initially (4:57)
  • Changing times with social media marketing (8:35)
  • Managing the business so that it doesn't get lumped into other brands that don't focus as much on the quality of the meats (11:22)
  • Low quality meat in the public school system (12:59)
  • PIvoting away from wholesale to direct-to-consumer sales (16:06)
  • What has worked well from a marketing standpoint in direct-to-consumer sales (19:53)
  • Greenwashing and what that means (23:21)
  • Nutrient cycling (29:09)
  • High intensity, low time duration grazing vs. low intensity, high time duration grazing (29:09)
  • Soil degradation (37:45)
  • A day in the life of a cattle rancher, cattle breeds (41:38)
  • Hiring workers and the type of employees the have on the ranch (44:01)
  • The nutritional profile of their beef (46:58)
  • Phytonutrients (49:09)
  • Treating cattle with antibiotics and hormones (54:29)
  • Striving to provide the best possible product to consumers (58:02)
  • The shift he's seeing in other ranchers moving in the direction of regenerative agriculture (1:02:39)
  • Organ meats (1:13:46)

Where to learn more about RC Carter and their amazing beef:

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Written By

Robert Sikes


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