Aging and Staying Forever Strong with Gabrielle Lyon

As a woman, do you struggle with the aging process and the adage that steak is for men? Dr. Gabrielle Lyon is blowing the lid off those old myths and proving that, to age "gracefully," women must eat protein and lift heavy things. Dr. Lyon is a subject matter expert and educator in applying protein, types, and levels to health, performance, aging, and disease prevention. She has so much knowledge to share; chatting with her for this episode was a joy.

What you'll learn:

  • The need for a figure in the female space to encourage proper nutrition and fitness training (1:10)
  • Dr. Lyon's catalyst for entering the health and fitness space (3:04)
  • Fixing metabolism that has been wrecked through years of yo-yo dieting (5:26)
  • The ins and outs of hormone replacement therapy (9:27)
  • Her opinion on the best way to administer exogenous hormones (12:04)
  • Recommendations for protein consumption for women and how to calculate that number (13:44)
  • Advice for getting in more protein for those who struggle to consume the minimum amount (18:21)
  • Protein distribution throughout the day for muscle protein synthesis (20:19)
  • Aging and fitness, with a focus on muscle building and longevity (26:46)
  • Shifting the paradigm of focusing on obesity to focusing on skeletal muscle health and its impact on brain function and overall health (30:59)
  • Incorporating high-intensity interval training and heavy resistance training for overall health, especially in aging adults (34:51)
  • Living her purpose through her work in functional medicine (38:33)
  • The overwhelming benefits of having a strong, supportive community (41:25)
  • Navigating the waters of healthy nutrition with children (44:22)

Where to find out more about Dr. Gabrielle Lyon and purchase her book, Forever Strong:

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Written By

Robert Sikes


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