Squat Rack Giveaway!

Giveaways will become a regular part of the Keto Savage brand, and we're excited to announce that now through the end of November, you have the chance to win a $3,000 Rogue Power Rack!

The details:

  • The RM-6 Monster Rack includes six pillars, four for the squat rack itself and two for weight storage (1:16)
  • How the squat rack is made and the various options available (2:12)
  • The winner will have the opportunity to make specific upgrades to their rack and it will be shipped to them directly (2:43)
  • Rules, regulations, and limitations to the contest (3:14)

Every $10 spent at Keto Brick gets one entry for the squat rack giveaway, so get your bricks today! Google luck everyone!

If you loved this episode, and our podcast, please take some time to rate and review us on Apple Podcasts, or drop us a comment below!

Written By

Robert Sikes


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