The Healing Power of Mushrooms with Stephanie Moyal

If you've ever wondered how mushrooms can help you from a neurological and performance standpoint, you'll want to listen to this episode. Stephanie founded Try Troop with her cousin Jake. They are on a mission to demystify mushrooms and make them approachable. By turning to preventative rather than curative health measures, they believe we can walk a path to a healthier life. It was a pleasure to learn from her and I know you'll take something from this episode.

What we discussed:

  • Her backstory and what got her into the mushroom business (1:46)
  • What exactly mushrooms are, how they can be beneficial, and their different uses (4:04)
  • Conditions required to grow mushrooms (6:30)
  • Avoiding poisonous mushrooms (7:22)
  • The mushroom growing process from start to finish (9:22)
  • Making sure you get a quality product (11:52)
  • Delivery options (15:44)
  • Deep dive into the different types of mushrooms (18:09)
  • What Stephanie and her cousin consume on a daily basis (21:48)
  • Her stance on psilocybin and how they're used for mental health treatment (24:14)
  • Microdosing (30:52)
  • Holistic approach to medicine using natural compounds like mushrooms (39:05)
  • What she's excited about in the future (41:05)

Where to learn more:

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Written By

Robert Sikes


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