The Wonderful World of Training with Niki Sims

Are you interested in weight training but don't know where to begin? Niki Sims is passionate about helping people get to know the stronger version of themselves. With over ten years of barbell coaching and training experience, she knows what it takes to program for life, fine tune form to maximize training stimulus, and provide support to continue to choose strength over weakness. This was a great conversation and I know you'll enjoy it as well. 

What you'll hear:

  • Niki's background and experience as a coach with Barbell Logic (1:50)
  • Her early experience in the fitness space (3:50)
  • Balancing passion and business in coaching (6:34)
  • Her transition to online coaching (11:23)
  • Client communication and accountability (12:57)
  • Specific training methods and her client demographics (13:43)
  • The nutritional component and client engagement (15:29)
  • Overcoming common misconceptions and challenges (24:17)
  • Personal training and injury recovery (33:19)
  • Benefits of natural bodybuilding (36:13)
  • Her progress and personal records with strength training (47:04)

Where to follow Niki:

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Written By

Robert Sikes


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