A Transformative Journey with Elana Rheinhart

Do questionable choices and an unhealthy lifestyle keep you from achieving your goals? Elana Rheinhart is a new competitor in the bodybuilding circuit and recently performed in her first competition. Her story of transformation is incredibly inspiring, and I know you'll enjoy it as much as I did.

What we discussed:

  • Her struggles with a partying lifestyle and the difficulty in finding the motivation to make a change (1:21)
  • Weight gain due to alcohol consumption and disordered eating (5:50)
  • Protein intake, fitness goals, and grief coaching after losing her husband in 2020 (11:15)
  • Body image and weight loss (15:00)
  • The mental challenges of a bodybuilding prep (20:49)
  • Competition prep and nutritional strategies she employed to combat bloating and constipation (27:14)
  • Bodybuilding prep, posing, and reverse dieting (32:33)
  • Tracking macros (37:36)
  • The importance of nutritional tracking, particularly for those struggling with eating disorders (44:54)
  • Her fitness goals and how to handle her limitations (50:26)
  • Using pain and hardship as fuel to push through difficult times (56:04)

Where to follow Elana's journey:

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Written By

Robert Sikes


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