Agreeing to Disagree with Dr. Patrick Vickers

Occasionally, I will have guests on the podcast with whom I disagree entirely: this episode is one of those examples. I chose to publish it because I don't want my podcast to become an echo chamber of people preaching the same information and with whom I'm always in agreement. Dr. Vickers and I had a civil conversation, and I'm happy to share that with you all in this episode.

What you'll hear:

  • Dr. Gerson's theory of starving cancer (3:20)
  • A background on Dr. Gerson (5:05)
  • The protocol for Gerson Therapy (12:55)
  • How Dr. Vickers has modified the Gerson Therapy protocols and continued with his approach (17:17)
  • A patient's day in his clinic (20:22)
  • How they track a patient's "progress" utilizing this protocol (25:!2)
  • Types of cancers this protocol treats best (30:36)
  • Patient glucose levels and insulin requirements while they participate in this treatment (33:02)
  • Protein consumption (36:42)
  • His opinion on a carnivore-based approach to treat cancer (40:28)
  • His personal nutritional protocol (49:47)
  • How cancer instances have increased over the past 200 years and the reason for that (53:11)

Where to find out more about Dr. Vickers and his protocol:

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Written By

Robert Sikes


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