Hormonal Health and Optimization with Dr. Anna Cabeca

In this episode, we welcome back Dr. Anna Cabeca, The Girlfriend Doctor, to discuss all things hormones and her new book MenuPause. Dr. Anna is passionate about helping women understand their changing hormones so that they can thrive throughout their menopausal season. Her goal is to support women in finding the right solutions so that they don't have to suffer from the symptoms of menopause.

What we discussed in this episode:

  • The timeline for her book releases (1:54)
  • Dr. Anna's ideal reader (4:11)
  • How she recommends reading her books (5:28)
  • Food as medicine and what she learned on her own menopause journeys (6:03)
  • Research and learning through travel (7:26)
  • Eastern vs. Western medicine (9:27)
  • How to avoid the adverse effects of menopause (13:16)
  • Adopting a ketogenic diet to improve hormones (15:56)
  • Red flags of an unhealthy diet (18:19)
  • Why sugar causes so many health issues (20:44)
  • The risks women may face if they don't incorporate enough greens into their ketogenic lifestyle (22:07)
  • Immunological biomarkers you could test for to see if there are any adverse effects from being a carnivore too long (25:00)
  • Recommendations for the proper amount of fat menopausal women should be consuming (27:23)
  • Eating fat to lose fat (29:53)
  • The benefits of intermittent fasting (31:33)
  • Dr. Anna's recommendation for how much protein to consume daily (32:50)
  • Helpful diagnostic testing (36:27)
  • When it's a good time for bioidentical hormone supplementation (42:30)
  • Decline in hormone production for men (46:10)
  • Most beneficial tests for men (48:06)
  • Treat the patient, not the labs (50:31)
  • DHEA supplementation (52:33)
  • The benefits of diindolylmethane (54:02)
  • How often to have lab tests done 57:55)

Where to find Dr. Anna:

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Written By

Robert Sikes


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