How Competition Prep Affected My Spirituality

Our last episode was cut a bit short when Rigel woke up from his nap, so for this episode, I focus on how my spirituality was affected by my recent competition season. I don't discuss things like this on the podcast, but I'm planning to incorporate more Live Savage principles into the show and I thought this was a good place to start.

What you'll hear:

  • Pushing my body to the limit during the prep and the spiritual awakening I experienced as a result (5:18)
  • The solace I find in pushing myself to the brink and the resulting self-reflection (10:14)
  • Leaning on God for support (12:02)
  • Struggling to find clarity on my beliefs in my younger years and working with Crystal to come to a deeper spiritual understanding (15:24)
  • Valuing objectivity and data-driven pursuits of knowledge but acknowledging the limitations of science (20:33)
  • The benefits of meditation during a challenging competition prep (26:21)
  • Finding peace and clarity by surrendering my burdens to God (31:44)
  • The importance of gratitude (37:50)

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Written By

Robert Sikes


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