Mindset, Meditation, and Plant Medicine: Core Evolution with Shawn Wells

What life changes could you make in order to thrive and take full advantage of the time you've been given? Repeat guest Shawn Wells and I discuss his experience with plant therapeutics, meditation, and mindset shift and how they have made such a positive impact on his life.

Shawn battled depression, auto-immune disorders, and chronic pain before making the decision to become a biochemist in order to serve others and help them optimize their health and live a life with less pain and more joy. Right before the Covid shutdown in 2020, Shawn had his first experience with plant medicine, and that led him to fundamentally change his mindset and approach to life. I look forward to welcoming Shawn to our place in Arkansas so we can discuss his book, The Energy Formula, and the impact he's making with his clients.

What we discussed on today's episode:

  • The turning point for the core changes Shawn has made in his life (2:03) 
  • Finding opportunity in everything and the importance of a solid morning routine (5:56) 
  • The importance of knowing your purpose and your why so that you can fill your cup in order to love others fully and fill them as well (11:56) 
  • The problem with constantly living your life distracted and not taking the time to be mindful and truly be present in the moment (18:08) 
  • Shawn's experience with MDMA and psilocybin and their effect on treating depression, anxiety, and PTSD (25:52) 
  • Vitamin D deficiency and its correlation to poor outcomes with Covid-19 as well as other natural "treatments" for preventing disease (27:52) 
  • The slippery slope with taking medications to treat certain ailments and how plant therapy may help people reduce or completely get rid of pharmaceuticals (32:48) The turning point in Shawn's life that made him reevaluate the way he viewed success (38:54) 
  • The dangers of inflammatory news and "click bait" (45:35) 
  • The current divide in the country and Shawn's opinion on how to remediate that (52:09) 
  • How learning how to love yourself is the first step toward being able to really love others (58:23) 
  • Embracing diversity and valuing others opinions and beliefs (1:04:37) 
  • The role that proper mindset plays in the success of any diet and exercise program (1:15:05)

Where to find Shawn and learn more about his amazing work: 

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Written By

Robert Sikes


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