Therapeutic Carb Restriction with Jayne Bullen

Jayne Bullen has been with her research at the Noakes Foundation in South Africa by enlightening physicians on the therapeutic benefits of a low-carb diet. She is making such a difference with the people she works with and it was a pleasure to speak with her. 

What we discussed:

  • What brought her to South Africa initially (1:56)
  • Indigenous health, traditional diets, and the impact of Western diets on health (5:40)
  • The popularity and knowledge of the ketogenic diet in Africa and South Africa, with a focus on the challenges faced by physicians (7:53)
  • Bringing commercial knowledge to nonprofit research (13:36)
  • Nutrition education for physicians to improve patient outcomes (16:38)
  • Using ketogenic diet as a treatment for various diseases, with a focus on medical professionals and their role in promoting this approach (23:36)
  • Empowering patients with diabetes to reverse their condition through self-research and coaching (26:32)
  • Protecting children from marketing and sugar addiction (30:53)
  • Improving nutrition in low-income communities through affordable, balanced meal plans (34:07)
  • Improving diets in Africa and the challenges with donations of unhealthy foods (40:29)
  • Her organization's impact on global nutrition (43:42)

Where to learn more:

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Written By

Robert Sikes


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