Transforming From the Inside Out with Rebekah Farmer

With the odds stacked against you, how do you make it through to the other side? Rebekah Farmer was misdiagnosed with an eating disorder and held against her will in an eating disorder unit for a month. She was finally diagnosed with chronic Lyme disease and a host of other health issues, including autoimmune and mood disorders. She fought her way back to health and is thriving and happy.

What we discussed in this episode:

  • Rebekah's health background and her struggles (2:33)
  • Putting in the work and succeeding as an entrepreneur (5:21)
  • Struggling with her weight due to a chronic C diff infection (7:30)
  • How keto mitigated the autoimmune symptoms and allowed her to get out of bed each day (9:39)
  • Being brainwashed into thinking she had an eating disorder (10:19)
  • The pressure she put on herself to be "normal" (13:32)
  • Eating 6,000 calories and still losing weight due to the infection (14:17)
  • Losing her friends and family due to the disagreements about her misdiagnosis (16:04)
  • Her description of C diff (17:59)
  • The catalyst for her health issues (18:44)
  • Dependence on medication and weaning herself off of them (20:25)
  • Withdrawal symptoms (22:06)
  • Insomnia (23:02)
  • Feeling alone (24:27)
  • Healing her relationship with her parents (26:47)
  • When things finally started to look up for her (29:24)
  • How long she has been following a carnivore protocol (35:17)
  • Allowing herself flexibility and options on the carnivore diet (35:38)
  • What she eats outside of meat to give herself some variety (36:48)
  • Tracking macros and caloric intake (38:54)
  • Maintaining her weight (40:29)
  • Completely healing from all of her health issues and stabilizing her hormones (41:25)
  • Excuses (42:35)
  • What's coming up in the pipeline for Rebekah (44:52)
  • Her typical coaching clientele (47:37)
  • Spirituality (49:38)

Where to follow Rebekah's journey:

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Written By

Robert Sikes


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