Baby Savage Has Arrived!

If you haven’t yet heard, Robert Rigel Sikes made his appearance and we are over the moon! As promised, we documented each trimester of Crystal’s pregnancy with a podcast episode, but we also decided to do a separate episode about our birth experience, which turned out to be a lot different than we had originally hoped. 

What we talked about in this episode:

  • Our original desire to have an unmedicated home birth and the reasons why (3:06)
  • The various options for birthing in Arkansas (3:51)
  • The slippery slope of interventions in the birthing process (6:44)
  • How she took care of herself physically and nutritionally throughout the pregnancy (7:42)
  • Membrane sweeps and castor oil (10:53)
  • Risk assessment (11:14)
  • Realizing our goal of a home birth wouldn’t be attainable (13:18)
  • The emotional toll of the day leading up to going to the hospital (14:23)
  • Arriving at the hospital and starting the induction process (16:05)
  • No progress after 12 hours with Cervadil, starting Pitocin (17:19)
  • Intensifying pain, the inability to eat, struggling through contractions (20:27)
  • Ruptured membranes and increasing contractions (21:47)
  • Rigel’s positioning (22:27)
  • Nitrous oxide (23:41)
  • Face presentation and discussing the option of a cesarean (29:42)
  • Accepting the fact that something wasn’t right and knowing Rigel wouldn’t be able to be born vaginally (33:04)
  • Believing there was a reason that everything happened the way it did (35:07)
  • Preparing for the C-section (37:19)
  • The difficulty in placing the spinal medication due to Crystal’s muscular back (38:54)
  • Watching the process and hearing Rigel’s first cries (39:31)
  • Immediate breastfeeding and that rewarding feeling (43:25)
  • Announcing Rigel’s arrival to our families (44:55)
  • Recovery (46:00)
  • Vaginal birth after cesarean (47:29)
  • Falling completely in love with our baby (49:19)
  • Finding peace in our birth story (50:39)

Where to find the Savages:

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Written By

Robert Sikes


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