Episode 700 with Robert, Crystal, and Rigel

We're celebrating our 700th episode today, and we're so grateful you've been here with us along the way. We'll chat about our crazy busy chaotic life and what we've been up to the past 11 months.  

What you'll hear:

  • Embracing the chaos of our lives, challenges we've faced over the past year (1:07)
  • Surviving the disorder, with no balance in sight (5:34)
  • Feeling overwhelmed with life and guilty for not spending enough quality time with family (7:57)
  • Raising chickens, training our dog Diesel, and planning the future of our homestead (8:31)
  • Frustration with a lack of control over external factors affecting our plans for home improvement, finding gratitude, and being present (13:34)
  • Balancing work and family life, and dedicating time to spend with each other every morning (18:36)

If you loved this episode and our podcast, please take some time to rate and review us on Apple Podcasts, or drop us a comment below! 

Written By

Robert Sikes


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